the different side 0f me... a p0et...

yeah, y0u may be surprised t0 know this side 0f me... i may be the outg0ing type 0f pers0n but there is als0 a side 0f me that wishes t0 g0 deeper and meditate on the things that s0me 0f us are experiencing...

i made this blog because i want to freely post the poems i made ever since the day that i realized that i should c0mpile them and share them to the people around me... ^^

i love writing poems. i write poems when i feel it coming, may it be anywhere, anytime or with anyone. i don't know where i get these words and i also don't kn0w what really pushes me to do so, but to me it doesn't matter, because i know that it is a blessing from God. so, i hope y0u will enjoy reading my posted blogs... ^^ Thank y0u and God bless always... ^^


Tuesday, May 5, 2009

You, A friend, A lie

i know its hard to feel this way
But theres nothing i could do to make it go away
You've been my friend since the day i was born
But now our bond has already been torn

You said forever friends we'll be
But now those words meant nothing to me
Coz you have broken my heart to pieces
And threw those bits to different places
How cound you do such a stupid thing
You didn't think of how much hurt it would bring
To lie and treat me like a dumb person
Look at us now, i hope you learned your lesson

I hope someday you'll earn a price
A price thats made up of all your lies
It will be read to the whole wide world
So that everyone will know how your tongue curled and curled

I didn't expect all this could happen
To me, to you and to the group you fell in
As a solution you decided to go far far away
But don't worry, we're now happy, every single day